##Loan Application Form

Fill the Application Form Below to Get Started

Personal Details

Our Loan Amount Starts From R10,000

Loan Details

Upload Supporting Documents in the Fields Below

Maximum upload size: 15MB
Maximum upload size: 25MB
Maximum upload size: 25MB

Other Details

Please note that Cubic Finance Group is a Lender Service Company.

You confirm that
1.1 All information you give us is true and correct.
1.2 You will ensure that you have read and understood the Pre-Agreement Statement and General Terms and Conditions that follow before accepting any loan amount that you may be offered.
1.3 If you are married in community of property, or by customary or tribal law it is your responsibility and duty to obtain your spouse’s written consent signed by two witnesses to enter into this Agreement and that such written consent has been stored and is available, upon request by the Credit Provider at any time. If your spouse did not give consent, you understand that the Credit Provider may take certain legal steps against you which include laying a charge of fraud.